Programs List


Name Class Function Strength MU Cost
Hammer Intrusion Knocks down data walls (2D6 per attack to data wall Strength) 4 1 400
Jackhammer Intrusion Knocks down data walls (1D6 per attack to data wall Strength) 2 2 360
Worm Intrusion Infiltrates and breaks down data walls silently in 2 turns 2 5 660
Code Cracker Decryptor Breaks down code gates and file locks 3 2 380
Wizard's Book Decryptor Deciphers code gates (STR 6) & file locks 4/6 2 400
Raffles Decryptor Deciphers code gates & file locks 5 3 560
Watchdog Detect/Alarm Detects entry and alerts owner 4 5 610
Bloodhound Detect/Alarm Detects entry and traces signal, then alerts master 3 5 700
Pit Bull Detect/Alarm Detects entry, traces signal and cuts intruder's line until killed 2 6 780
SeeYa Detect/Alarm Detects "Invisible" ICONS 3 1 280
Hidden Virtue Detect/Alarm Detects "real" things in virtual reality 3 1 280
Speedtrap Detect/Alarm Detects hidden programming within 10 spaces 4 4 600
Flatline Anti System Kills operating CPU 3 2 570
Poison Flatline Anti System Kills all system Memory 2 2 540
Krash Anti System Crashes system CPU for 1D6+1 turns 3 2 570
DecKrash Anti System Crashes deck CPU for 1D6 turns. Drops opponent out of Netspace 4 2 600
Virizz Anti System Ties up 1 action of system till deck is turned off 4 2 600
VIRAL 15 Anti System Erases one file randomly each turn 4 2 590
Murphy Anti System Causes system to randomly launch programs 3 2 600
Invisibility Evasion Hides cybersignal, making you appear "Invisible" 3 1 300
Stealth Evasion Mutes cybersignal, making it harder to detect 4 3 480
Replicator Evasion Confuses attacking IC by creating millions of deck signals 3/4 2 320
Shield Protection Stops attacks to Netrunner 3 1 150
Force Shield Protection Stops stronger attacks to Netrunner 4 2 160
Reflector Protection Reflects and stops Stun, Hellbolt, Knockout attacks 5 2 160
Armor Protection Reduce Stun, Hellbolt, Brainwipe, Zombie, Hellhound attacks by -3 pts 4 2 170
Flack Protection Creates static walls to blind attackers. STR 2 vs. DOG series programs 4/2 2 180
Killer ll Anti IC Attacks all types, 1D6 damage to target STR. Mobile 2 5 1320
Killer IV Anti IC Attacks all types, 1D6 damage to target STR. Mobile 4 5 1400
Killer VI Anti IC Attacks Demons, de-rezzing instantly 6 5 1480
Manticore Anti IC Attacks Demons, de-rezzing instantly 2 3 880
Hydra Anti IC Attacks Demons, de-rezzing instantly 3 3 920
Dragon Anti IC Attacks Demons, de-rezzing instantly 4 3 960
Aardvark Anti IC Detects and attacks Worms, de-rezzing instantly 4 3 1000
Stun Anti-Person. Freezes Netrunner for 1D6 turns 3 3 6000
Hellbolt Anti-Person. Cause 1D10 physical damage to Netrunner 4 4 6750
Sword Anti-Person. Hellbolt variant, causes 1D6 physical damage to Netrunner 3 4 6520
Brainwipe Anti-Person. Reduce INT by 1D6 each turn, killing Netrunner 3 4 6500
Zombie Anti-Person. Reduce INT by 1D6 each turn, leaving Netrunner mindless 5 4 7500
Liche Anti-Person. Erases memory, replacing with pseudo-personality 4 4 7250
Firestarter Anti-Person. Causes power surge, starting fire in Netrunner's deck 4 4 6250
Hellhound Anti-Person. Tracks Netrunner, waits, then causes 2D10 damage/turn 6 6 10,000
Spazz Anti-Person. Reduces Netrunner REF for 1D6 4 3 6250
Glue Anti-Person. Locks Netrunner in place for 1D10 turns 5 4 6500
Knockout Anti-Person. Causes coma for 1D6 hours 5 4 6250
Jack Attack Anti-Person. Prevents Netrunner from logging off 3 3 6000
Viddy Master Controller Video board controller 4 1 140
Soundmachine Controller Microphone/voxbox controller 4 1 140
Open Sesame Controller Electronic door controller 3 1 130
Genie Controller More powerful door, elevator controller 5 1 150
Hotwire™ Controller Vehicle controller 3 1 130
Dee-2® Controller Robot controller 3 1 130
Crystal Ball Controller Video/Camera controller 4 1 140
News At 8 Controller Screamsheet box controller 4 1 140
Phone Home Controller Send & receive cellular calls, intercepts calls at STR. 2 5 1 150
DataBaser Utility Stores up to 10,000 pages per file of information/text 8 2 180
Alias Utility Replaces file name with false one 6 2 160
ReRezz Utility Recompiles and restores destroyed programs 3 1 130
Instant Replay Utility Records coordinates of current Netrun for replay later 8 2 180
GateMaster Utility Detects and destroys Virizz, Viral 15 programs 5 1 150
Padlock Utility Refuses to allow log on through deck unless code is given 4 2 160
ElectroLock Utility Locks files as is a STR. 3 code gate 7 2 170
Filelocker® Utility Utility Locks files, requiring code word (runner's choice) to open 4 1 140
NetMap Utility Provides accurate maps of most well-known Net locations 4 1 150
Packer Utility Reduces programs by 1/2 size. Take 2 turns to unpack 4 1 140
Backup Utility Creates copies of most programs on chip 4 1 140
Imp II Demon Carries 2 programs 3 3 1000
Afreet ll Demon Carries 3 programs 3 4 1160
Succubus Demon Carries 4 programs 4 4 1200
Balron ll Demon Carries 4 programs 5 5 1240


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