Codecracker 380eb
Class: Decryption
Strength: 3
MU: 2
The Codecracker series, designed by Interfact
Software in 2008, is classic code gate crack program. The
series disassembles the code gate at the basic program,
rather than trying to decipher the key.
ICON: A thin beam of white light, which
shoots from the Netrunner's hands and spreads through the
code gate, turning it to glowing dissipating fog.
Wizard's Book 400eb
Class: Decryption (file locks & code gates)
Strength: 4
MU: 2
The Wizard's Book is designed to scan through
literally billions of possible codes and code words in
seconds, trying each one in turn. It is especially
effective (STR 6) against code gates.
ICON: A stream of blazing white symbols,
flowing at incredible speed from the Netrunner's open
Raffles 560eb
Class: Decryption (file locks & code gates)
Strength: 5
MU: 3
Raffles is designed specifically to deal with
complex code gates and file locks which have a specific
word as the key. It asks the code gate a series of
innocuous and leading questions ("Is it bigger than
a breadbox?" "Is it hot or cold?"),
designed to tell Raffles the nature of the code gate and
its key.
ICON: A dapper young man wearing evening
clothes of the early 1900's. He speaks briefly to the
door, then vanishes as soon as it opens.