Stun 6,000eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 3
MU: 3

Stun sends an overpowering bolt of energy into the target, causing him to be frozen in place for 1D6 turns. This is a very commonly used offensive program, particularly by the NetCops.
ICON: A bolt of blue flame streaking from the Netrunner's open palm.

Hellbolt 6,750eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 4
MU: 4

A more powerful version of Stun, Hellbolt causes physical damage (1D10 per attack) to the Netrunner. Damage is subtracted from the Netrunner is a wound until he is dead. Saves vs. Stun and Death must also be made.
ICON: A bolt of crimson fire launched from the Netrunner's raised hand.

Sword 6,250eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 3
MU: 4

A variant of Hellbolt, Sword causes 1D6 in physical damage per hit.
ICON: A glowing energy katana.

Brainwipe 6,500eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 3
MU: 4

Brainwipe is the simplest of a series of black programs, all of which are designed to attack the Netrunner instead of his programs. All black programs can be carried by an intruding Netrunner and used to attack other 'Runners encountered in the Net Brainwipe tracks the victim down, fries his forebrain with a jolt of current, and reduces him to a drooling vegetable, (1D6 each turn to INT). The screaming Netrunner feels his mind melt away, until his INT is reduced to 0 and he dies. Lost INT cannot be regained.
ICON: An acid-green electrical arc, which leaps from the floor and engulfs and kills the 'runner.

Zombie 7,500eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 5
MU: 4

An advanced and more powerful version of Brainwipe, Zombie wipes out the victim's forebrain, making him into a drooling vegetable (1D6 to INT each turn).
ICON: A shrouded, skeletal form, enveloped in à stinking gray mist. Its eyes are sunken and its flesh is a mass of rotting, maggot-filled meal. It lunges out and rips the Netrunner's head off.

Liche 7,250eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 4
MU: 4

An advanced form of Zombie, Liche also rips away the forebrain (1D6 to INT), but selectively. Most memory is eradicated, leaving enough to implant an easily controlled (by the Referee) pseudo personality into the empty brain.
ICON: A metallic skeleton dressed in black robes and wearing a blackened crown. It grabs the Netrunner in its freezing grasp and drags him back under the floor.

Firestarter 6,250eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 4
MU: 4

Firestarter is indirectly anti-personnel in nature. Using its Bloodhound subroutines, it tracks the intruder to its source. Silently entering the electrical system, it blasts the wiring with a megawatt power surge. The jolt causes wiring fires, explosions, and fries the Netrunner as if he were in an electric chair. Firestarter programs are excellent covert killers, as they leave little of no evidence in the charred wreckage.
ICON: A blazing pillar of fire, which speaks the Netrunner's name in a hissing, booming voice, then leaps at him.

Hellhound 10,000eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 6
MU: 6

Hellhound combines the worst aspects of Pit Bull and Flatline. It locates the intruder and sends out a modulated pulse designed to cause a heart attack in humans (2D10 wound damage). If the Netrunner escapes in time, it remains active within the Net, lurking silently in major long distance terminals, waiting for the specific brain wave pattern of the intruder to show up. It then tracks him down again and kills him. Patient and remorseless, Hellhound can wait years for its victim to log on. Its rarity and high price tag prohibits its use against all but extremely high level Netrunners.
ICON: A huge, black, metal wolf. It's eyes glow white, and fire runs in ripples all over its body. It speaks in a grating, metallic voice, repeating the Netrunner's name.

Spazz 6250eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 4
MU: 3

Spazz causes epileptic seizures in the Netrunner's nervous system. REF is automatically reduced to half for 1D6 turns, slowing the Netrunner's Initiative rolls drastically.
ICON: Appearance: A nimbus of electrical energy surrounding the target.

Glue 6,500eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 5
MU: 4

Used by the "Icemen" of NetWatch as an arrest program, Glue freezes the Netrunner in place for 1010 turns (4 turns is long enough to get a good trace on his location in Realspace). The Netcops can then send a squad along to pick him up at their leisure.
ICON: A shifting pattern of red shapes flickering across the floor to entangle the Netrunner.

Knockout 6250eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 4
MU: 3

Knockout delivers a powerful modulated shock that knocks the Netrunner out for 1D6 hours. He is automatically dumped out of the Net, and is in a coma in Realspace for this period of time. Knockout is a very common defense against low level intrusion (like the Phone Co. or an office system).
ICON: A yellow neon schematic boxer appears and strikes out at the Netrunner's ICON.

Jack Attack 6,000eb
Class: Anti-Personnel
Strength: 3
MU: 3

lack attack is often used as an arrest program. It stops the Netrunner from jacking out for 1D6 turns if it is successfully run.
ICON: A pair of glowing schematic handcuffs encircling the Netrunner's wrists.

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