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Neutral Secret Societies

Those who seek an ultimate balance of forces usually face an uphill battle in this land of darkness.

The Church of Ezra
A Lawful Neutral Secret Society

They that are in hell think there is no heaven.
- English Proverb

The Church of Ezra is not a true secret society, for it takes no steps to conceal its existence. It is included in this chapter, however, because of the influence it has over its members and the importance it plays to characters of the anchorite class.

The practitioners of this faith worship a deity known only as Ezra, whom they depict as a tall, slender woman in flowing, white robes. Her raven hair and eyes contrast sharply with her pale skin. Revered as both protector and healer, she is usually depicted holding an alabaster kite shield and a slender sword of similar construction. The shield is often adorned with a sprig of wolfsbane in recognition of her role as a healer.


Almost anyone can become a member of the Church of Ezra. The only requirement is a tithe of ten copper pieces per year and an alignment no more than one step removed from lawful neutral.

Members of the church are expected to protect others from harm, always coming to the aid of individuals in distress despite any personal risk involved. Similarly, they must always be ready to give aid and comfort to the sick or injured. One of the common sayings in the church is "Today I care for you as tomorrow you will care for me".


Although members of the church are not required to identify themselves in any way, many wear holy symbols to show their faith. These are most frequently small tokens in the shape of wolfsbane sprigs or tiny replicas of the sword and shield that Ezra is said to carry. During church services, which are held every five days, members of the church must wear white clothing.


The Church of Ezra has no fewer than four distinct sects. Each of these has its own objectives and methods, although they all recognize the authority of the central church. These divisions correspond roughly to the alignments of the members: lawful neutral, true neutral, lawful good, and lawful evil.

In addition, the practices of the churches in each domain differ from one another. Thus, a church in Barovia will differ from one in Falkovnia, even though they technically belong to the same sect. Any follower can worship at any church, but outside of their own domain and rite they will find subtle and sometimes disturbing differences in the practices.


All sects of the Church of Ezra recognize the authority of the Great Cathedral (lawful neutral), which is located in Levkarest. Three lesser temples - located in Port-a-Lucine (neutral), Mordentshire (lawful good), and Nevuchar Springs (lawful evil) - exercise authority over the various rites.

The Vistany
A True Neutral Secret Society

An unguarded object remains safe if protected by destiny; stricken by destiny, it perishes though well-guarded.
- Indic Proverb

These Ravenloft gypsies are described in great detail in Van Richten's Guide to the Vistani. Still, many mysteries remain unsolved in the wake of that text. For that reason, the Vistani can certainly be considered a secret society.


An ancient Vistani saying teaches that "only the Vistani are the Vistani". To the Vistani, this illustrates the fact that those who are not of true Vistani blood cannot be trusted. As such, it serves as an excellent example of the membership philosophy of the Vistani. Someone not born to Vistani parents is not a Vistani.

From time to time, an outsider may be welcomed into the ranks of the Vistani. Such a person, however, must have done some great service for these wanderers of the Mists. Dungeon Masters should allow characters to earn this honor only after an epic adventure.


The Vistani have no need of symbols, signs, or other marks of recognition. When one of these gypsies looks upon another, he is instantly aware that his gaze rests upon one of his own.

Outsiders who have been accepted into the ranks of the Vistani do not have this ability, though a true Vistani will recognize them for what they are. So few of these people exist, however, that this is seldom a concern.


"The Vistani do what the Vistani do". This old proverb from the domain of Barovia is as fitting a description of these people as one is ever likely to need.

Many believe that the Vistani have some secret goal that they slowly strive toward; others say that they have a secret so terrible that they work always to keep it hidden. If either of these is true, or if some other secret explains their mysterious behavior, no outsider can say. Perhaps the future will reveal the answer.


Vistani tribes travel from place to place in great wagons, called vardos. These caravans serve as the only headquarters they have. This is not to say that the various tribes might not have caches of supplies, weapons, or the like scattered about Ravenloft, only that the Vistani are a nomadic people.

Of course, some say that the Vistani come from a secret land hidden away in the Mists. This place is most often called oculhogar. Most sages dismiss these claims as wishful thinking, however.

The Carnival
A Chaotic Neutral Secret Society

Who makes frequent inquiries about the road does not go astray.
- Yugoslavian Proverb

Carnival is a traveling collection of entertainers, merchants, and exhibitors - assembled with an eye toward the macabre and supernatural. Visitors to this mysterious festival find tests of skill, games of chance, freak shows, dancers, musicians, and countless other ways to pass their time and spend their money.

The master of this carnival is an unusual and beautiful woman named Isolde. Isolde and her motley collection of wanderers usually appear outside of a town suddenly, perform for a night or two (though they have been known to stay up to a week), and then disappear just as mysteriously. Strangely enough, residents almost always know in advance that Carnival will be arriving soon.


Isolde recruits performers and employees for Carnival from all across Ravenloft. The company of outcasts and freaks she has assembled see her as their savior, for she has given them a life better than any they had before. In order to become one of Isolde's performers, a character must have some unusual characteristic or exceptional ability. This might be a deformity, talent, or even a collection oddities that can be displayed.


The roster of Isolde's employees is not large; at no time does she carry more than sixty people in her employ. Since they are called to work together frequently, all of her employees know each other. Because of this, no special signs of recognition are needed. However, many of her performers do have a small tattoo of a rearing horse on the back of their heads.


On the surface, Carnival appears to be a normal enough traveling show. In actuality, it is far more than that. While no one seems to know exactly what the carnival and its master are all about, a few things are apparent. The most important and amazing of these is the fact that Isolde seems to have no fear of the domain lords. Indeed, in her travels around the Core, she has harbored enemies of the darklords on more than one occasion. It seems, in fact, that the powers of Ravenloft's deadly masters cannot affect Isolde or those under her protection. How this might be possible is a question none can answer. Isolde appears to have no loyalty to anyone, though she takes great care to protect those in her employ.

No record of Carnival exists prior to the Grand Conjunction, but some claim it has actually been around much longer. Isolde and her performers are very tight-lipped on the matter.


Carnival has no headquarters, unless one considers the wagon in which Isolde resides to be such. This ordinary looking wagon always sits at the center of the carnival. It is from this grand conveyance that she operates all of Carnival's affairs. No one, not even her performers, has ever seen the inside of this wagon.

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