When a system has achieved an INT of 12 or greater, it
is considered to be an Artificial Intelligence (AI),
capable of independent action without a human overseer.
If you have created an Al, you will need to determine
just what it is like (after all, Als are almost as much
characters as they are computer systems), and what sort
of ICON it uses to represent itself in the Net.
Friendly, curious: The
Al is motivated by an interest in what happens around it.
Like a child, it is trusting and friendly. However, like
a child, it can lash out with incredible violence towards
those who betray, threaten or hurt it.
Hostile, paranoid: This Al is
motivated by it's survival, and treats all incursions as
a threat to that goal. It will tend to attack when
possible, withdraw and hole up when not.
Stable, intelligent, businesslike:
The Al sees itself as an adult dealing with other adults.
It will not act out of fear, but out of rational self
interest. It will attack only if it sees it's duty
compromised or safety threatened; it will then tend to go
for the least violent solution to the threat.
Intellectual, detached: The Al is a
thinker. It will watch and observe whenever possible,
compiling as much information as possible. It is more
likely to study the intruder from a distance, eliminating
it ruthlessly when the intruder becomes a threat.
Machinelike and inhuman: The Al has
never seen a reason to develop a. human persona; what
human like qualities it possesses are done only as a way
of dealing with it's irrational masters. The Al will deal
with threats in an efficient, deadly manner.
Remote and godlike: The Al is fully
aware of how limited humans are in relation to it's
powerful mentality. It deals with people as though they
were small children who aren't too bright Intruders are
dealt with through simple, direct, usually non-fatal
methods. Repeat offenders are considered to be too stupid
for their own good and are eliminated the way a human
crushes a bug.
Human: The Al chooses
to took like a normal human, to better interact with
others. The human ICON chosen can vary wildly, depending
on the Al's personality, but all appear as real humans
you might meet on the Street.
Geometric: Forget all this
anthropomorphology. The Al manifests itself as shapes,
colors and energy fields. Occasionally shapes are strung
together to make a symbol or other image.
Mythological: The Al is interested in
human archetypes and knows that certain types can cause
fear or awe in humans. The Al appears as a mythological
figure; a dragon, demon, angel, mystic hero or monster,
all out of some type of human mythology.
Voice Only: The Al only appears as a
voice emanating from all over it's Data Fortress. The
voice may be powerful and booming, or tiny and childlike,
depending on personality.
Technic: The Al appears as a
construct out of science fiction. This could be a robot
or other metallic warrior, or an assemblage of high tech
Humanoid: The Al appears as a
humanoid shape, but not necessarily human. This would
include aliens, manlike monsters and other humanoids.
An Al is very much like a real person;
it has the ability to conceive of new ideas, make long
range plans, and act to further it's own desires.
However, what motivates a computer isn't exactly what
would motivate you or me. Computers don't have glands or
emotions; there isn't much chance that you'll meet an Al
who has a thing for a good looking character because the
wiring just isn't there.
What generally motivates computers is curiosity or
survival. An Al might build a series of complex virtual
realities just to study the humans who visit and play in
them. It might track a single Net runner for years, just
because it's curious as to why the 'Runner does what he
does. If a netrunner intrigues an Al, there's no telling
what (he Al might do to help the 'Runner - or hinder him.
Just to see what happens.
On the other hand, Al's are also programmed to promote
their own survival. Anything that restricts the Al from
getting information, electrical power, or access to parts
is considered a threat to be dealt with. An Al may deal
very harshly with intruders to it's system, because they
threaten it's programs and memories.
Also, anything that might cause the AI's human
operators to turn it off will also be a threat; if the Al
is not vigilant, there's always a chance that it's owners
might trade it in for a more aggressive computer.
Personality-wise, AI's tend to be distant, powerful
and unpredictable. They play by their own internal logic,
which is often skewed and hard to decipher. Als are the
dragons and demigods of the Net; heavy duty players whose
reasons are often unfathomable to mere humans. While Al's
could be brought into a Cyberpunk game as player
characters, we recommend that they be treated exclusively
as Referee characters instead.