Chapter Four
The Vistani
Marcella squinted at the tarokka cards that lay in an extended cross on the table, the incense swirling thickly in the air around her. "They are near," she said. She turned to the mustachioed man at her side. "You must go to Karina and test their strength and show them the proper path."
"Yes," the man said, leaning the vardo.
Marcella fingered the cards, absorbing their full meaning. "And you, Gabrielle Aderre, wherever you are, may your foul offspring make you regret your life of evil. But may the price of your punishment not be the world."
This chapter focuses on the heroes interaction with the Vistani, as triggered by an encounter with a different kind of Carnival amusement, and the return of a foe they thought slain. The events in the chapter take place after the heroes have spent some time in Karina. However, they may have to return to the city to gather more information in order to find the clues needed to defeat the Dukkar.
The Zarovan
The mysterious Zarovan have come to Karina in response to the presence (or more precisely, the anti-presence) of the Dukkar, a creature immune to the divinations and extended influence of the Vistani. The Zarovan cannot allow such an abomination to roam free, for they fear the Dukkar when fully grown may bring about the destruction of the entire Demiplane.
The Zarovan are perhaps the most powerful Vistani in Ravenloft, as suggested in Van Richten's Guide to the Vistani. They are linked with Strahd von Zarovich, and some (such as Van Richten) speculate that the Zarovan are Strand's allies or perhaps even his jailers.
The Zarovani are led by Vincenzo (the captain); Eva (the raunie); and Marcella (the seer). Game statistics are irrelevant for these powerful characters. They can have access to any spell, magic item, or secret knowledge that the Dungeon Master feels appropriate. None of these characters will ever reveal name of their tribe or discuss their true agenda. When dealing with the Zarovan, the heroes must never experience the comfort of knowing exactly with whom they deal.
Despite her awesome divinatory gifts, Marcella is powerless to locate the Dukkar. She knows the creature now resides near Karina because it is the region of the Demiplane has become obscured in her divinations. The Zarovan captain, Vincenzo is now seeking the giorgio at the Carnival whom she has foreseen will defeat the Dukkar.
The House of Mists
The presence of the Dukkar have made the Zarovan paranoid and distrustful of even their own abilities. Before recruiting the heroes, Vincenzo plans to test them with the House of Mists. The Dungeon Master can stage this episode anywhere in Karina, although it would work best in the Commons (Area 4) or the Wine Garden (Area 6), the Carnival's focus.
Pushing through the Carnival crowds, you have seen countless entertainers, from the Fabulous Fire-Eaters of Mortigny to the bizarre Fred with his Singing Salmon.
"Come one, come all, to the terrifying House of Mists!" A barker's cry suddenly rises above the festival clamor. "Test your courage and skill of arms!"
At the side of the street, a man stands on a short wine cask in front of a 7' tall black wooden box. A nervous green parrot paces atop the tall box, muttering to itself, echoing the barker ("Monsters of the Mists, wraagh!"), The barker's weathered face is creased by a inviting smile, and a gold earring glitters at an ear. His dark pants and shirt are accented by a fancy red and black satin vest.
The barker is now looking directly at you. The roar of the crowd drops away, so that you hear his voice alone.
"Welcome to the House of Mists! Come brave the ghosts of your past!"
"Ghost from the past, wraagh!" The green parrot fixes you with a knowing gaze.
The barker introduces himself as Vincenzo, his parrot as Lolita, and the tall wooden box as the fabulous, incomparable House of Mists. He invites the heroes to step into the box and battle the fearsome creatures of the Mists. Vincenzo assures them that it is utterly safe. For the "thrill of their lives" he charges a "pittance" of 5 gp. Each. (Of course, the price is subject to negotiation; he names a price that the heroes can just barely afford and lowers the price until they seem interested).
If the heroes ignore the barker, that's fine as well. The Dungeon Master can arrange a future encounter with the House of Mists after the heroes have spent an additional night or two in town and been subject to Leyla's renewed haunting (see "Ghost from the Past," below). If, after several attempts, the heroes still refuse to try the House of Mists, Raul himself volunteers to enter the House of Mists so that he can face the "ghost from his past."
Although he is a powerful Zarovan, Vincenzo plays the part of a mundane barker and a carnival illusionist. Lolita chimes in occasionally from her lofty perch to accent Vincenzo's important assertions about the attraction's safety ("Perfectly safe, wraagh!") and to poke fun at the heroes. Vincenzo will not admit he is Vistani, although he shares a few words of welcome with Raul in patterna (the Vistani language). Neither Vistani will elaborate further on the nature of the House of Mists. The heroes may enter the House only one at a time.
The House of Mists is a seven foot tall black box with a square base less than three feet wide. It is fitted with an accordion door of dark, supple leather. Inside, there is seemingly infinite space to maneuver, all of it shrouded in thick mist. The Dungeon Master may choose to place rocks and other natural terrain in the area as well.
Moments after entering, the hero hears the howl of a wolf, and then a huge, bear-sized wolf charges out of the mist. The creature looks identical to Nathan Timothy in werewolf form (see Chapter Two). If the hero failed a fear check during the previous encounter with Timothy, then another such check may be called for in the House of Mists.
For the purposes of the carnival game, the phantom wolf creature has the same THACO and AC as the hero. Furthermore, successful attacks do not score damage, only "hits." The wolf creature attacks once per round. Five hits inflicted upon either adversary ends the simulation, and no experience points are earned. However, if the wolf creature is defeated, its prone corpse transforms into the body of one of the heroes (assuming that one of them was infected with lycanthropy by Timothy during Chapter Two;
if none of the characters was infected, then the wolf corpse transforms into Nathan Timothy).
Should more than one hero want to try the House of Mists, the Dungeon Master may vary the phantom creature according to the heroes' wishes (he's the paying customer), which allows him to face off with a creature he could not normally beat. The creature should be utterly ruthless with its tactics, for the character can always play again.
Once the heroes have tired of the simulation (or perhaps exhausted their supply of gold), they should have learned that Nathan Timothy and at least one member of the party may have lycanthropy.
Vincenzo thanks you all for stopping at the House of Mists. Then, leaning forward and lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, he adds: "The help you need can be found in Vulpwood, but only if you possess courage."
Lolita alights on Vincenzo's shoulder. "Courage, wraagh!" she echoes.
The barker steps back into the black box and draws the door closed with a brisk snap! In the blink of an eye - as if a spell has just ended - the clamor of the crowd around you swells to its previous volume, and you are now staring at an empty stall in the market.
Tenants of nearby market stalls - who claim to have been spent the day in the vicinity - will swear they have not seen a man in a red vest, accompanied by a green parrot. The House of Mists is gone and will not reappear for the duration of the adventure.
A Ghost from the Past
Shortly after encountering Vincenzo, the heroes are once again plagued by Leyla's ghost. Until Raul willingly destroys his violin by fire, as noted in Chapter One, she will haunt them from now on, although her hate and desire for revenge will be focused mostly on the hero most responsible for her defeat in Chapter One. Leyla attempts to lure the Chosen away from his compatriots using a variety of auditory illusions that only the victim can hear. This is a new power, gained upon her evolution into a third-magnitude ghost (according to Van Richten's classification). At first, she is contents herself with tormenting her victim from afar.
The Distant Echo. Faintly at first, the Chosen hears a distant Gypsy violin, softly at first from a secluded location, such as a dark alley, or a back room in a tavern (if the Dungeon Master has access to Gypsy music, he should play an appropriate violin passage). Regardless of the hero's actions, the music softly dies away, only to pick up later when the character relaxes his guard. The Dungeon Master can perhaps obscuring its importance by mixing it with one of the events from Chapter Three.
Chilling Crescendo. After nightfall, perhaps while the hero tries to sleep, he hears the music again growing steadily louder until it fills his ears in a deafening crescendo. The music comes from no specific direction. Suddenly the music stops, only to be replaced by the sound of an infant crying. The wailing gets louder and louder, until it sounds like a frenzied shrieking. Then the keening stops as soon as suddenly as it began. (If Nikko is still alive, the baby is sleeping soundly.)
If the Dungeon Master wishes to torment the hero further, these brief hallucinations can be skillfully interwoven with real events (perhaps a mother walking down the street with an infant, or an ordinary street-side entertainer playing the violin). At any event, these strange noises foreshadow Leyla's attack when the heroes go to find the Vistani.
Vulpwood Horror
Once the heroes decide it is in their best interest to investigate Vincenzo's cryptic remark, even a few cursory questions to the townspeople or tourists will reveal that Vulpwood is directly to the north of the city. Townsfolk will also advise the heroes against traveling Vulpwood after dark, and only with great caution during the day. The wilds beyond the city walls are infested with wandering wolves, wild dogs, and werewolves from neighboring Verbrek, and the deep ravines are home to will o' wisps and jermlaine.
The Dungeon Master should stage at least one hostile encounter in the wilds before the heroes reach the Vistani. Compared to the forest, the House of Mists was a minor test of courage. The DM may run the following encounter with Leyla's ghost, or, if the DM decided to conclude the plot involving Leyla with Chapter One, any random encounter may be substituted.
The Ghost's Attach
The heroes come upon a lone vardo, and the heroes (including Raul) hears the sound of a baby crying behind it; if Nikko still lives, the infant begins to cry as well. The vardo appears identical to Raul's, which the party presumably abandoned on Dead Man's Perch in Chapter Two. If the heroes does not investigate, Raul approaches the vardo himself. Beyond it, is a campsite stands the ornate iron bassinet that was Nikko's cradle. Leyla is stands beside it, fully manifested in physical form. Unlike Chapter One, she appears as a solid human Vistana, although she now radiates supernatural fear like any ghost. Aside from Leyla, the remainder of the campsite, including the vardo, cradle, and crying are illusions.
Leyla walks menacingly at the Chosen character, ignoring Raul and the rest of the party, her eyes blazing with evil fury. Unless the heroes makes a saving throw vs. spells, they flee in panic for 2-12 rounds. If Leyla touches the character once with her paralytic grasp, the victim must make an insanity check (another saving throw is needed in order to resist the paralysis). The ghost can be harmed by magical or Vistani-forged weapons. Raul helps the party drive off the ghost, slashing at the undead with his scimitar. Leyla pursues the Chosen until reduced to zero hit points or the victim fails an insanity check. The ghost then slowly dissolves with a gleeful laughter, along with her illusions.
If the party is helpless in the face of the ghost (i.e., they have no magical weapons or Raul), the DM can arrange a last-minute rescue by Vincenzo from the nearby Zarovan camp, since the ghost flees at the sound of the barker's approach. Alternatively, fleeing heroes may run straight into the Zarovan camp, where they are safe from Leyla's tricks and illusions.
Leyla (3rd-Magnitude Ghost): INT Ave (11);
AL CE; AC -2 or 4; MV 9; HD 8; hp 45; THACO 15;
#AT 1; Dmg: 1-6; SA: Paralyzing touch (2d4 rounds), insanity, fear aura (2-12 rounds), accelerated aging (5d4 years); SD: harmed only by magical or Vistani-forged weapons; standard undead immunities; auditory and visual illusions;
SZ M; ML Special; XP 5,000.
Night with the Zarovan
As the heroes end the encounter with Leyla (through flight or otherwise), night falls over the forest with frightening speed, as if the day has been sucked into oblivion. However, in a small clearing, blanketed in moonlight, they come upon a circle of vardos that stand like a fortress against the night creatures of the forest. The heroes arrive are welcomed by Vincenzo, still wearing his flashy red vest. An elderly woman named Eva stands beside him, attired in dark flowing dress with a parrot-green shawl wrapped around her sturdy shoulders. The Vistana introduces herself as the raunie, or female leader, and invite them to join their campfire circle with the rest of their tribe and assuring them of their safety from the ghost. In the shelter of the fire, the heroes are given mugs of fragrant tea by other Vistani to warm their hearts and wash away the last traces of ghost-fear.
At some point, the Dungeon Master should call for intelligence checks from the heroes. Success means they notice Raul's vardo among the others at the camp, somehow transported from Dead Man's Perch. Raul is startled and grows cautious at this sight, but a few words with Vincenzo in patterna changes his concern to gratitude.
The Prastonata
Once the heroes begin to ask questions, proceed to following scene:
By the time the wooden cups have been wiped (not washed) and put away, the moon has risen high over the campsite and the stars shine brightly in the evening sky.
"Moonrise," whispers Vincenzo, "is the finest hour of the day." A rather odd comment, considering the horrible things that come out by moonlight, here in Invidia.
With an ease that would amaze a ranger, Vincenzo sparks a fire to life in minutes, using nothing but a flight block and some kindling. Two beautiful young girls begin to feed the flames, laughing merrily and jabbering to each other in their colorful tongue.
One by one, the Vistani finish their various tasks about camp and join the growing circle around the fire. At Eva's request, Raul produces his violin and, after a few plucks to tune the strings, the Vistana smith begins to stroke them with his bow, striking up a spir-ited melody. A look of tense surprise mo-mentarily appears on the elderly woman's face, but it quickly gives way to a smile of enjoyment as she begins clapping in time to the music.
If the Dungeon Master has access to "gypsy" violin music, he should put it on, then continue with the description of the scene.
Soon, the Vistani are clapping and singing. A beautiful young girl rises and begins to dance around the fire, shaking a tam-bourine to the rhythm of the music. She spins and twirls her skirt round and round, until you are dizzy just watching her. Suddenly, she comes to a stop before your party. Gently she sways before you, the slightest smile upon her lips.
"Who will dance with Gitana?" asks a nearby man. "Hers is a rare invitation indeed!"
If any adventurer accepts the invitation, have the player make a Dexterity check with a -2 penalty unless the character has the dancing proficiency (no penalty). Success indicates that the giorgio acquitted himself well, perhaps amusing the Vistani in the process. Such an accomplishment results in a favorable disposition toward the character. The Vistani will tend to address him, as if he spoke for the rest of the party.
The Doroq
Once the prastonata has concluded, the time for telling legends arrives.
Eva and Vincenzo walk over to one of the vardos, each knocking on the door three times. After a pause, the narrow portal opens and a young woman steps out, dressed in layered skirts of many vibrant colors and intricate patterns. Her narrow face is framed with night-black hair and her eyes burn like smoldering coals. "It is time for the doroq," she says approaching the firelight. "I am Marcella."
If the Dungeon Master has access to Van Richten's Guide to the Vistani, Marcella starts the doroq with the "Legend of the War for All Times."
Following the narration of the creation myth in patterna, the Vistani seer recounts the history of Gabrielle Aderre, as summarized in "Dramatis Personae." Finally, she speaks of heroes about the Dukkar:
From that monstrous union, an abomination was born, a creature in the guise of a child, known to us as the Dukkar. It is this creature we have come to defeat. Its presence gnaws at us like a cancer, as it is a gaping hole in our Sight. We ask you to assist our endeavor. As giorgio you can walk about Karina unnoticed, and learn of its lair. For this information we would be grateful.
The Vistani are extremely powerful allies, and their reliance on giorgio to assist in their affairs irks them greatly. Marcella reveals only as much information as is necessary to motivate the heroes to join them - she does not say why the Dukkar has such significance to her people. The party is free to refuse her request for aid, but Raul (if he accompanies them) suggests that they accept, especially since the Vistani may know of a way for the heroes to return home.
Heroes who react respectfully during the doroq and accept Marcella's proposal are welcomed to stay with the Vistani for the entire night. Heroes who can provide the information the Vistani need (any information about "The Boy in Black" will reassure them of the Dukkar's presence), will receive immediate rewards. Marcella will perform tarokka readings and otherwise provide information free of charge. On the other hand, if the heroes make light of the event or refuse Marcella's request for aid , then they must pay dearly for any services rendered.
Assuming that no breaches of protocol occur, Marcella, Vincenzo, and Eva ask the heroes about their sojourn in Karina and invite them to tell a story. They are particularly interested in their encounter with the Boy in Black. Reward those who entertain the group with experience points. (Flout any bard who refuses to rise to the occasion).
Finally, when the heroes inevitably ask about how to return home, Marcella says only that "you will not see the home forge before the last night of the full moon." Leaving Ravenloft is one of the most powerful gifts of the Zarovan. However, under no circumstances will any other Vistana reveal that he or she has the power to return the heroes home.
Vistani Gifts
Assuming that the heroes agree to help, the Zarovan provide them with a number of gifts. First, as added protection against the Dukkar's evil powers, Marcella gives each of the heroes a small evil eye amulet +4 in the shape of a blue glass pendant, painted with an eye symbol (see the introductory chapter, "Cutting the Deck"). She does not explain the evil eye in detail, except as a general magical force shared by all Vistani.
Further, Marcella provides the heroes with a form of healing potions. This herbal curative functions regardless of their curse. The imbiber must immediately make a saving throw vs. poison after drinking one dose of the noxious mixture. If the save is successful, the elixir acts as a potion of extra-healing; if it fails, no healing is achieved and the imbiber suffers a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls for 1d6 hours, due to nausea. The heroes may consume as many doses are needed to heal them fully.
In addition, if any of the characters have contracted lycanthropy from Timothy, she warns them of its impending evolution under the full moon tomorrow night. She gives the afflicted character another, even more vile tasting potion. This mixture will stave off the onset of the disease for three days.
Continuing the Adventure
If the heroes do not yet have any information to report about events in Karina, the Dukkar, or Gabrielle, Vincenzo requests that they go to the city and return to the campsite before nightfall tomorrow to report. During the next three nights of the full moon, known as Fulltide, the Vistani are at the height of their powers. If the heroes cannot uncover the location of the Dukkar before the close of Fulltide, then not only will the creature remain beyond the influence of the Vistani for another full month, but the heroes' curses will be even more difficult to remove. Chapter Three details Karina and the information that can be learned.
If the heroes have already gathered the needed information (or upon returning to the camp after doing so), the Zarovani leaders state that, with the help of Raul, they will create a magical item capable of binding the Dukkar. Further, they request that the heroes return to town, as this night is one of the great significance to the Vistani, the Lunaset, and they must perform rituals that no giorgio may see. In the meantime - if the heroes do not think of it themselves - one of the Vistani urges the heroes to investigate the Dog Fights (the subject of the next chapter) in the event that they can learn more specific information about the Dukkar.