Sometimes, the best way to deal with a very powerful
opponent is to get the drop on him from behind; in short,
setting an ambush. Ambushes gain a +5 to hit advantage.
You may ambush or backstab by announcing your intent to
hide or lie in ambush for a target. You can elect to set
up an ambush any time:
a) The opponent is unaware of your location and your
intention to attack. This can be accomplished by setting
up a hiding place ahead of time or taking advantage of a
melee to get under cover and waiting for a shot. A victim
of an ambush must make an Awareness roll greater than
your Stealth Skill + INT + 1D10, or you have
automatically succeeded.
b) The opponent's attention is on another situation,
such as another attack or a task requiring great
concentration. This can be accomplished by creating a
distraction for your opponent, or by sneaking up on him
while he is in combat with another combatant.
An ambush doesn't mean you act first -
it just means you have an attack advantage. Initiative
for the round is made as usual, and the ambushing
character can spring the trap on his part of the round or
can wait to see what develops before making his attack.
Until the attack is made, his opponent may not attack
him, because he doesn't know he's in danger. An ambush
may only be used for one attack; another ambush must be
set up before the bonus can be employed again.
Example: Ripperjack decides to set up an ambush in
a dark alley of the City. He rolls his Stealth Skill +
lnt + 1D10 for a total of 18. Along come Scarr and
Hargan, his mortal enemies.
At the start of the combat turn, initiative is
Scarr, Ripperjack and Hargan. As they enter the trap,
both Scarr and Hargan make Awareness Rolls. Scarr's roll
is 12; Morgan's is 20. "It's a trap'' yells Hargan,
but too late; Scarr didn't know what was coming and
couldn't declare an attack or defense. Ripperjack pegs
him with a shot from his H&K Hellfire, using the +5
Ambush bonus. He won't get the bonus on Hargon, because
the blond giant mode his Awareness roll and spotted him.
His second shot misses, and Horgon throws himself down
behind a wrecked car and opens up with his 20mm
autocannon. Savage fades down the alleyway to set up
another trap.