

The clothing styles of 2020 break into five basic fashion.

Generic Chic: This is the standard Streetwear made up of sashes boots predominate.

Leisurewear: This is the equivalent of 21st century athletic wear. Padded fleece, corporate and athletic logos.

Businesswear: This is the equivalent of the standard business suit; understated colors, pinstripes, real leather shoes etc. Wool and other natural fabrics are considered the proper outfitting for the up and coming Corp.

High Fashion: Sophisticated and expensive dressing for the upper class. Designer labels like Miyake. Si-fui Yan, and Anne Calvin.

Urban Flash: Video jackets, colorshift fabrics, cammo, leathers, metal spikes. Logowear. jeans. leather skirts boots. The wildest and most utterly chilled in cyberfashion.

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