Kendachi Monoknife ®
MELEE +1 P P 2D6 NA 1 VR
Mono-sectional crystal blade. Incredibly sharp. In the
Japanese "tanto" style. Also available in a
naginata form for 100.°° extra.
Kendachi MonoKatana ®
MELEE +1 N R 4D6 NA 1 VR
Sword length version of monoblade. Resembles a hightech
katana with a milky, nearly transparent blade.
SPM-1 Battleglove
MELEE -2 N P 3D6/2D6 NA 1 VR
This is a large gauntlet covering the hand and forearm.
It does 3D6 in crush damage, 2D6 punch damage, and has
three spaces which can be used to store any standard
cyberarm option.