Techtronica 15 Microwaver
P 0 J P 1D6 10 2 VR
Flashlight sized microwave projector.
Militech Electronics LaserCannon
RIF 0 N R 1-5D6 10 2 UR
Milspec laser cannon, rarely seen.
Avante P-1135 Needlegun
P 0 P P Drugs 15 2 ST
Lightweight, plastic, compressed air powered. Can be
doped with drugs, poison.
Enertex AKM Power Squirt
P -2 J C Drugs 50 1 VR
A squirtgun. Yes, a powered squirtgun.
Nelspot "Wombat" Airpistol
P -1 J C Drugs 20 2 UR
Paintball gun from hell. Can fire acid, paint, drugs,
Miltech Electronics Taser
P -1 J C Stun 10 1 ST
Zap. About the size of a small hand flashlight.
EagleTech "Tomcat" Compound Bow
EX 0 N C 4D6 12 1 VR
Gyrobalanced, stabilized compound bow. Silent &
EagleTech "Stryker" Crossbow
EX -1 N C 3D6+3 12 1 VR
Plastic and bimetal crossbow. Silent, deadly, and you
usually get your ammo back.