Fumble Table

Area Result of Roll
Reflex (combat)
1-4 No fumble. You just screw up.
5 You drop your weapon.
6 Weapon discharges (make reliability toll for non-autowep.) or strikes something harmless.
7 Weapon jams (make reliability roll for non-autowep.)
8 You manage to wound yourself. Roll for location.
9-10 You manage to wound a member of your own party.
Reflex (Athletics)
1-4 No fumble. You just mess up and make an idiot of yourself.
5-7 You fail miserably. Take 1 point in minor damage (sprain, fall, stumble) plus makes a Save vs. Stun.
8-10 You fail abysmally, if a physical action, take 1D6 in damage from falling or strained muscles. Also make a roll vs. Stun at 1.
TECH (Repair or create)
1-4 No fumble. You just cant get it together.
5-7 You not only fail, you make it worse! You drop the tools youre working with, or you lose your grip and damage the thing youre working with even more. Raise the Difficulty by 5 points and try again.
8-10 Wow. Did you ever blow it! You damage the device or creation beyond repair. Buy a new one.
EMP (Convince, Fast talk, Seduce)
1-4 No fumble. They just wont buy it.
5-6 So much for your people skills. You not only dont convince them; you leave them totally cold (-4 to your next EMP die roll) to any other suggestion you might have.
7-10 Wow! You blew it royalty. You not only didnt convince them, but now theyre actually violently opposed to anything you want to do. Roll 1D10. On a 1-4, they actually attempt to do you physical harm.
INT (Figure out, Notice, catch a clue)
1-4 No fumble. You just didnt know how to do it. You dont know whats going on. You carry on oblivious to higher concerns.
5-7 You dont know anything about whats going on and you havent clue about how to do anything about it. Make a Convince check at 2 to see if anyone else notices how dumb you are.
8-10 Wow, are you oblivious. You not only dont know whats going on or anything about subject, but everyone know how ignorant you are.
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