The HUNT CLUB is a BBS established in the Olympia region of the Net; its realspace coordinates are probably somewhere outside of Denver (although no one knows for certain). The Hunt Club consists of a single 1,000,000 object (Complex Building) reality. The realism level is superrealistic, which raises the required memory space from the base 16 MU to 80MU. Due to the limitations of space, this virtual reality is stored in eight large adjacent memory spaces in the Hunt Club's data fortress.

The majority of the Club consists of the Mansion, which is contained in memories one and two. Most of the Mansion is made up of huge, English Tudor-style rooms filled with brickabrack and curios. These many rooms are quite simple; floors, carpets, drapes, paneled walls with non-removable paintings. Only the furniture is mobile. Each room has a heavy oak door with a brass plate designating its function; most are used as conversation rooms for the many members of the BBS who visit here. It's a good place to exchange information, play games and otherwise socialize; it fills the position of the various areas of a standard bulletin board. Because the Mansion is limited to a few large objects, it uses very little actual memory.

Most of memory number three is taken up with the Garden; a reproduction of an English garden with roses, walks, a small reflecting pool and a croquet green. The edge of the Garden is bounded by a high hedge and the sky; the virtual reality stops here and going beyond this is impossible.

The Drawing Room occupies a large part of memories four and five, and is by far the most complex of the rooms, accessible only - to Senior members of the Club. It contains the Hunt Club's extensive files (disguised as old books behind moving panels in the walls), a message board (designed to resemble a hotel cubbyhole box), and its entertainment, game and program library. This library is presided over by an alarm program known as Dent.

Dent contains functions for Detection, Alarm and interactive options, including the ability to remember events and people, recognize cybersignals, obey commands, conversational ability, pseudo-intelligence and constant activity. The Dent program is of Strength 6 and is a superrealistic ICON of a bored and somewhat nasal English butler.

In addition to Dent, the Drawing Room is also home to the DOG, a Strength 8 modified Hellhound program. The DOG is programmed to react to any alarm raised by Dent, whereupon it will attack the intruder.

The Dining Room occupies most of memories six and seven; it is a baroque hall with a vast table loaded with rare foods and wines. Because of the many individual dishes served, this room takes up a lot of object space; when additional memory is required elsewhere, parts of the Dining Room's banquet is de-rezzed by the Club SysOp to free up space.

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