Body Banks


Just in case it didn't work out, you can still make a dead comrade pull his weight. The Lifeline Act of 1994 (an extension of the donor cards of the 1980s) allows a potential source of spare parts to carry a donor card in his wallet. This card must be registered with the federal government. Only donor carded bodies can be turned into a donor center, where a bounty is paid. The bounty is based on the parts involved and the body condition at the time.

Part Average Bounty Sale Price
Arm 500 1000
Leg 600 1200
Heart, Lung 700 1400
Liver, Kidney 200 400
Eyes, Ears 800 1000
Other Organs 200-300 400-600
Poor Condition: 1/2 normal bounty
Excellent condition: 2x normal bounty

The Government doesn't care who turns (he body in. All you need is the card and a legitimate death certificate stating that the deceased died of natural or accidental causes, available through any local coroner. The result is that many firefights end with a frenzied looting of bodies for donor cards - followed by another firefight over disputed claims and ending in another frenzy of looting.

Legally, donor centers must be located in legitimate offices of the County or City Coroner's Office, or in a public hospital. However, a thriving black market in fraudulent donors thrives in most of the combat zones, usually out of "ripperdoc" clinics or Corporate centers (where high level execs get first pick of the new parts).

The biggest problem with Body Bank re-placements is the availability of genetically matching parts. When attempting to locate a replacement limb or other part at a body bank, roll 1D10. On a 1, 2, or 3, the part is unavailable that day. On a 4 or 5, the part is in, but it may be the wrong color or have some other minor difference.

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